David Juilfs
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Author: David Juilfs | Owner & CEO Gorilla Marketing
Published January 11, 2021
Law Firm SEO Services

Your law firm needs an excellent web presence if you want to survive in this digital era. Search Engine Optimization or SEO is a digital marketing discipline that helps improve your website’s appearance in online searches.


The number of internet users is increasing rapidly, with an average of more than 875,000 new internet users coming online each day. As SEO primarily focuses on improving the quality and quantity of incoming web traffic to your website, it can help you get more clicks, calls, and conversions. It can also help you target more leads in relatively less time. In other words, you can’t overlook SEO anymore.


Unfortunately, SEO is often easier said than done. It involves more than just keyword optimization and paid to advertise. It requires experience and skills, making it necessary to procure professional law firm SEO services.


Here are four reasons why you should get expert SEO services for a law firm.


1. SEO Evolves Faster Than You Think


SEO is one of the fastest-growing digital marketing techniques. Even if you are a quick learner, your expertise will help you for a few months at the most. Search engines, like Google, roll out algorithm updates more frequently than you think.


Since 2011, Google has had a major update almost every year. All these major and minor changes will impact your law firm SEO strategy. The worst part is, Google is not always forthcoming about the algorithm updates, leaving marketers to fend for themselves.


If you take the DIY route, you will spend considerable time improving your knowledge and skills. When you hire professional law firm SEO services, you don’t have to invest your valuable time learning new skills. SEO agencies often have the time and resources to identify the updates, analyze their impact, and find solutions.


2. You Can’t Afford to Make Mistakes


Not all SEO tactics are made equal. While some can help you improve your search engine ranking, others can cause more harm than good. The digital marketing ecosystem is also full of questionable SEO tactics called black hat SEO.


For example, getting backlinks from dubious sources can improve your website’s rank temporarily. However, it can also get you penalized. Similarly, tactics like cloaking, sneaky redirects, duplicate content, and content automation can negatively impact your SEO.


However, when you hire a Minneapolis law firm SEO expert like Gorilla, you don’t have to worry about such mistakes. SEO professionals are aware of the latest developments, rules, and trends in SEO. With their help, you can use the tactics that work without worrying about getting penalized or losing your search engine rank.


3. Experience Offers Advantage in SEO


When you get third-party SEO services for a law firm, it brings both experience and a fresh perspective to your overall digital marketing strategy.


For example, a free or paid analytical tool like Google Analytics can help you get a minute-to-minute update of your website’s performance. However, you won’t be able to take full advantage of these analytics unless you have enough SEO training and experience. An expert SEO marketer can help you customize your SEO tools to find insights that can boost your website’s performance.


Remember, an incorrect inference can lead to an SEO tactic that fails to produce the desired results, or worse, backfire. You can’t build your digital marketing strategy based on guesswork. That’s why a professional SEO agency can help you understand exactly where your SEO stands and what you can do to improve it.


This, in turn, helps you better plan your SEO budget. You will know exactly where you are investing and how much return you are getting. Many SEO tactics like lawyer PPC and content creation require careful budget planning.


4. Professionals Have the Right Tools


Most people think that Google Analytics (GA) is the only tool they need to master law firm SEO. However, that’s not true. While GA is an excellent tool, there are several different advanced analytics tools available in the market.


These tools can help you with many tasks, including backlink tracking, competitor analysis, search position monitoring, and keyword analysis, among others. You will need to use these tools to get better insights from GA.


If you take the DIY route, you will need to invest in multiple SEO tools. You will also have to train your SEO team to use these tools. In short, you will be spending considerable money and time on them.


A seasoned law firm SEO company will have all the right tools and know-how to use them. As these resources are ready to be used, you can start improving your SEO right away. Furthermore, you can use only the tools you need, saving considerable money and time.




Running a law firm in the digital era requires you to have a well-established web presence. That’s where SEO comes in. However, you can’t realize the full benefits of SEO unless you work with professionals. These four reasons can encourage you to hire an SEO agency. At Gorilla Webtactics, you can get the best law firm SEO services in Minneapolis. Call us today at (612) 260-1506 or contact us online to find out how we can help.


David Juilfs
About the author:
David Juilfs
Owner & CEO Gorilla Marketing
David has 15+ years in marketing experience ranging from traditional print, radio and tv advertising to modern day digital marketing for law firms and lead generation software. He is a multi-award winning marketer and has also volunteers his time with SCORE as a business coach/consultant to help businesses get better leads, more business and higher ROI. You can contact him at david@gorillawebtatics.com.
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