For 15+ years, we’ve honed our skills in the digital landscape, specializing in criminal defense attorney marketing. We’re the trusted partner for attorneys seeking to expand their practice, offering proven expertise in marketing, SEO, and web design.


Criminal Defense

Our targeted approach completely revitalized a criminal defense firm’s online presence, leading to a 150% increase in high-profile case inquiries within six months. This strategy was designed to attract and acquire new criminal defense clients. We achieved this by implementing a comprehensive strategy that focused on SEO optimization, content creation showcasing their expertise in complex cases, and strategic social media engagement to reach a wider audience seeking top-tier legal representation.




Lead Cost

DUI Defense

We partnered with a DUI defense firm to triple their website traffic and double their client consultations in just one year. Our tailored marketing plan prioritized local SEO, pay-per-click advertising targeted to relevant search terms, and compelling content that educated potential clients on their rights and options, positioning the firm as a trusted authority in DUI defense.


Higher Traffic



Drug Crime Defense

By implementing a data-driven marketing strategy, we helped a drug crime defense firm reduce their cost per lead by 40% while simultaneously increasing their client conversion rate. Our approach involved refining their website for optimal user experience, creating targeted ad campaigns on relevant platforms, and developing engaging content that resonated with individuals facing drug-related charges.


Lead Cost


Conversion Rate


Join the ranks of successful criminal defense firms that have achieved exceptional results through our proven digital marketing strategies. We’ll help you transform your online presence, attract high-quality leads, and establish your firm as a trusted authority in the legal field.


Criminal Defense Law Firm Website Design

Your website is your criminal law firm’s digital storefront, and for criminal defense attorneys, it’s a critical tool for attracting and converting potential clients. Our team designs websites that make a powerful first impression and guide visitors toward taking action, whether scheduling a consultation or learning more about your expertise in specific areas of criminal law.

An image showing a criminal defense lawyer presenting a seminar on the criminal justice system, emphasizing the role of seo strategy in improving a criminal law firm website's visibility and attracting new clients through targeted advertising campaigns.
An image showing a criminal defense attorney explaining complex legal concepts to a client, highlighting the importance of crafting an effective marketing strategy for criminal defense that utilizes both online and offline channels.

Cutting-Edge Criminal Defense Law Firm SEO

SEO for criminal defense lawyers isn’t just about ranking high in search results; it’s about strategically positioning your firm as the go-to resource for individuals facing criminal charges. Our SEO experts develop comprehensive strategies that target the keywords and phrases your ideal clients are searching for, ensuring your firm is visible when they need you most.

Results-Driven PPC for Criminal Defense Lawyers

We understand the unique challenges and opportunities in the criminal defense market. Our PPC (Pay-Per-Click) campaigns are meticulously crafted to reach individuals actively seeking legal representation for criminal charges. By utilizing targeted keywords, compelling ad copy, and strategic placements, we drive qualified leads directly to your firm.

An image showing a criminal defense attorney reviewing legal services online, utilizing relevant keywords to identify potential criminal defense clients and exploring marketing channels to enhance their online reputation through off-page SEO tactics.


Transform your criminal defense practice with our award-winning legal marketing agency. Our team of experts crafts personalized marketing strategies to address the unique challenges and opportunities in the criminal defense field. We prioritize practical marketing strategies tailored to your legal practice’s needs and budget, ensuring maximum visibility and growth. We offer a comprehensive suite of services including SEO, PPC, web design, and targeted digital advertising, all aimed at attracting high-quality leads and increasing caseloads for your firm.

DUI Defense Marketing

Maximize your reach to individuals facing DUI charges with our specialized DUI defense marketing strategies. We’ll help you connect with potential clients seeking experienced legal representation, utilizing a combination of SEO, targeted content, and paid advertising to position your firm as a leading authority in DUI defense.

Drug Crime Defense Marketing

Effectively reach individuals charged with drug crimes through our proven marketing tactics. We’ll develop targeted campaigns that highlight your expertise in drug offense defense, ensuring your firm appears prominently in search results and online platforms frequented by those seeking legal assistance in this area.

Domestic Violence Defense Marketing

Reach individuals in need of compassionate and skilled legal representation for domestic violence cases. Our marketing strategies focus on creating a safe and supportive online environment where potential clients can learn about your firm’s dedication to protecting their rights and achieving the best possible outcome.

Assault and Battery Defense Marketing

Attract clients seeking aggressive defense against assault and battery charges. We’ll develop content and campaigns that showcase your track record of success in these cases, emphasizing your ability to protect clients’ rights and freedoms while navigating the complexities of the legal system.

Theft and Property Crime Defense Marketing

Connect with individuals facing theft or property crime charges who are searching for experienced legal counsel. Our marketing efforts will highlight your in-depth knowledge of these offenses and your commitment to providing strong defense strategies to secure favorable outcomes for your clients.

White-Collar Crime Defense Marketing

Position your firm as a trusted resource for individuals and businesses facing complex white-collar crime allegations. We’ll create targeted content and campaigns that demonstrate your expertise in navigating intricate legal matters like fraud, embezzlement, and other financial crimes.

Juvenile Crime Defense Marketing

Reach families seeking specialized legal representation for their children who are facing criminal charges. We’ll craft empathetic and informative content that addresses the unique challenges of juvenile defense, reassuring parents and guardians that your firm is equipped to protect their child’s future.

Federal Crime Defense Marketing

Attract clients facing federal charges by showcasing your experience in navigating the complexities of federal court. We’ll develop strategic campaigns that emphasize your understanding of federal law and your ability to provide effective defense in high-stakes cases.


In the fiercely competitive world of digital marketing for criminal defense law firms, standing out is paramount. With numerous firms vying for the attention of individuals facing criminal charges, a robust and innovative marketing strategy is essential.

Here are proven tactics, honed through years of experience, to propel your criminal defense firm to the forefront of the digital landscape:

An image showing a criminal defense attorney with a a criminal defense firm's marketing team collaborating on social media platforms, discussing strategies for implementing local services ads and other online advertising tactics as part of their law firm marketing plan.
Harness Local SEO

For criminal defense services, local visibility is crucial. Optimize your Google My Business profile, ensuring accuracy and consistency across all platforms. Encourage and respond to client reviews, and strategically incorporate location-specific keywords into your content. Optimize for “near me” searches to connect with individuals actively seeking legal help in your area.

Elevate Your Website

Transform your website into a powerful lead generation machine. Every element, from design to clear calls-to-action, should be optimized to convert visitors into clients. Integrate live chat for immediate engagement, showcase professionalism through high-quality images, and prioritize fast loading times – a critical factor for user experience and SEO.

Craft Compelling Content

Content is the cornerstone of digital marketing success. Create engaging, informative content that addresses the concerns and questions of potential clients facing criminal charges. Providing valuable insights into legal services can attract clients seeking legal assistance. Utilize blog posts, videos, and infographics to educate and captivate your audience. SEO-optimized, authoritative content positions your firm as a knowledgeable leader in criminal defense.

Drive Results with PPC

Pay-Per-Click advertising allows you to directly target individuals searching for legal help related to criminal charges. Tailor your PPC campaigns to the specific needs of the legal market, utilizing customized landing pages for each campaign to maximize conversions. Continuously monitor and refine your strategies to stay ahead of the competition.

Engage with Email Marketing

Go beyond generic emails by personalizing your campaigns. Segment your list based on client demographics and interests, delivering tailored content that resonates with each group. This personalized approach transforms your emails into valuable resources, fostering engagement and building lasting relationships.

Leverage Social Media

Social media platforms offer powerful opportunities to build your brand and connect with potential clients. Utilize LinkedIn for professional networking, Facebook for community engagement, and platforms like Twitter or Instagram for sharing informative content and success stories. Consistent, engaging posts can significantly boost your online presence.

Tell Your Story Through Video

Video marketing is an effective way to showcase your firm’s expertise and build trust with potential clients. Create explainer videos, client testimonials, and behind-the-scenes glimpses into your practice. Videos can significantly enhance engagement and improve your search engine rankings.

Embrace the Power of Storytelling

Share your firm’s unique narrative – your successes, challenges overcome, and the positive impact you’ve had on clients’ lives. Integrating storytelling into your marketing efforts creates a compelling brand identity that resonates with your target audience.

Analyze and Optimize

Data-driven insights are essential for effective marketing. Track key metrics like website traffic, lead conversion rates, and campaign performance. Utilize these insights to refine your strategies, ensuring your marketing efforts are consistently delivering results.

Stay Ahead of the Curve

The digital landscape is constantly evolving. Remain informed about emerging trends and technologies, adapting your strategies to stay relevant and competitive. The most successful law firms view marketing as an ongoing journey of innovation and growth.

By implementing these proven strategies, your criminal defense firm can not only compete but thrive in the digital arena. Take the initiative today to redefine your online presence, attract a steady stream of high-quality leads, and establish your firm as a trusted authority in criminal defense.


Begin Your Journey to Criminal Defense Marketing Success


Schedule a Free Consultation

Start your path to marketing excellence with a complimentary consultation with our criminal defense marketing specialists. As a criminal defense lawyer, we’ll discuss your firm’s unique goals, the specific challenges you face in the competitive criminal defense landscape, and the untapped opportunities for growth. This initial conversation is essential for understanding your practice and laying the groundwork for a tailored marketing plan that addresses the nuances of criminal defense.


Develop a Custom Marketing Blueprint

Building on the insights from our consultation, we’ll craft a personalized marketing plan aligned with your firm’s objectives. This plan will outline targeted strategies designed to boost your online visibility, engage potential clients, and drive meaningful growth. We’ll focus on creating an actionable roadmap that seamlessly integrates with your firm’s operations and resonates with your target audience – individuals seeking expert legal defense against criminal charges.


Implement and Launch Your Campaign

With a meticulously crafted plan in place, our team will execute your marketing campaign. We’ll utilize a strategic mix of digital advertising, SEO optimization, compelling content creation, and other proven tactics tailored to the criminal defense field. Throughout the process, we’ll continuously fine-tune your campaign to capture the attention of your ideal clients and deliver measurable results. Our goal is to elevate your online presence and position your firm as a premier choice for those seeking legal defense.



Attracting more clients involves a multi-faceted approach that combines strategic digital marketing, a strong online presence, and effective client engagement. By tailoring your marketing to highlight your expertise in criminal defense law and addressing the specific concerns of individuals facing criminal charges, you can significantly increase your client base.

SEO boosts your firm’s visibility to potential clients who are actively searching for legal help online. By targeting relevant keywords and optimizing your website content, you can improve your search engine rankings, ensuring that your firm is easily found by individuals in need of your services.

While managing digital marketing internally is possible, the complexity and ever-evolving nature of digital marketing strategies, especially within the specialized field of criminal defense law, often necessitates the expertise and tools that specialized agencies offer.

Improving ROI involves refining your targeting strategies, enhancing the quality of your content, and continuously optimizing your campaigns based on data-driven insights. Focusing on high-intent clients and measuring the effectiveness of different channels can significantly enhance your return on investment.

PPC advertising provides immediate visibility in search engine results, allowing you to reach potential clients precisely when they are seeking legal assistance. It’s particularly effective for driving targeted traffic to your website, leading to quicker conversions and increased caseloads.

Regular updates are vital to maintain security, improve functionality, and ensure your content remains relevant and engaging. For criminal defense firms, keeping information up-to-date with the latest legal developments and client testimonials can significantly impact client trust and engagement.

Content marketing establishes your firm as a thought leader in the criminal defense field. By providing valuable and informative content, you build trust and credibility with potential clients, making them more likely to choose your firm when they need legal representation.

Success can be measured through various metrics, including website traffic, lead generation rates, conversion rates, and overall return on investment (ROI). Regular analysis of these metrics enables you to optimize strategies and ensure your marketing efforts are effectively contributing to your firm’s goals.

The timeline for results varies depending on the implemented strategies. PPC often delivers immediate results, while SEO and content marketing take time to build, typically showing significant outcomes within a few months.

Our agency specializes exclusively in legal marketing, with a deep understanding of the criminal defense landscape. We offer customized strategies backed by extensive industry knowledge and a proven track record of success in helping criminal defense firms achieve their goals.

Partnering with an agency specializing in legal marketing ensures that your strategies are not only effective but also compliant with industry regulations. A niche agency like ours brings a deep understanding of the legal market dynamics and client behavior, which is crucial for the success of criminal defense firms in the digital age.

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Elevate your success with a personalized strategy session with Gorilla. In this session, we'll explore ways to set your company apart in the competitive digital landscape